2016 Target

Breaking it down

On 02 January, inspired by Kajsa Tylen, I made my #SweatPledge for 2016: 3,000 miles, climbing 150,000ft, and 200 hours in the saddle. That’s what I did in 2015 doubled and rounded a bit. Simple.

My firsts two rides made only the slightest of dents in the target, so I’ve broken it down into weekly chunks to give me something achievable to aim for and a way of knowing that I’m on track.

I’ve given myself two weeks off to keep the sums simple. That would make the linear weekly target four hours on the bike each week, covering 60 miles and climbing 3,000ft. But that doesn’t take into account the limitations of poor weather and limited daylight at this time of year, so I’ve adjusted it to allow for that.

Weekly Target Jan-March & Oct-Dec 40miles/2,000ft

Weekly Target April-Sept 60miles/3,000ft

That will leave me with 720 miles and 36,000ft to find,which going on last year’s numbers would be about ten day rides.

Five days into the year and I’ve done 45 miles already. Only 98.5% of the target to go!